Travel the world for free with jobs that pay you to travel
There are many jobs that will require you to travel. I worked as an internal auditor for a global manufacturing company and visited different locations around the world to provide best practices.
It was in my twenties and I did not have my own family or responsibilities to take care of at home. I wanted to travel the world, so doing so while working allowed me to travel the world for free and experience things that I would have not been able to have I traveled personally. It would be hard to go this route now that I have a newborn and my own family at home. But I am glad I was able to experience this in my twenties and I have learned a lot about traveling in other parts of the world now.
Another way you can travel for free is by working remotely and instead of paying for your expenses in your home city, you are simply spending your living expenses in other parts of the world. If your skillset allows, you can utilize your skill set in other parts of the world too like teaching, etc.
Or join an organization that relocates you to work in another location like the peace corp. or joining companies that have the opportunity to transfer your locations.
It is something that Trang and I have talked about and is in the options for the future. Either to relocate abroad, work remotely full time, or simply reach our financial independence early on to live abroad like in Asia. We want to pursue this goal before our daughter reaches the age of middle school which will be within the next 12-14 years. Our goal is to be financially independent in the next 10 years so we may have a shot.
There are many career path you can choose that allows you to travel for work.
Flight attendants
Internal Auditors
Photographer / Videographer
Work on a Cruise Ship
Procurement / Quality Control
Traveling Nurse Positions
In the new age of the internet, there are tons of jobs that you can work remotely as well. In addition to immersing abroad, some of these countries have even much lower costs of living which can save you money working abroad.